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Enrollment Information

A registration fee of $75 per child is due upon enrollment. This is a one-time, non-refundable fee which reserves a space for your child. If you withdraw your child, but then later decide to re-enroll, a second enrollment fee will be required. When openings are available, priority will be given to currently enrolled families. We will not hold a position for your child on a verbal agreement. Your child(ren) are not considered enrolled until the following is completed:

  • Tour of the facility

  • Paid enrollment fee per child 

  • First payment for care. If paying weekly, first week of care, if paying bi-weekly first two weeks of care and if paying monthly, first month of care. 

  • All forms must be signed and returned before your child begins care. (See forms in pdf at the bottom of this screen)

  • Provide a current copy of your child's immunizations records or an Immunizationexemption affidavit.

  • Provide a Physicians complete Statement of Health *Children (nor employees) do not require a TB test.

  • Children 4 years of age or older born after September 1, not attending school require vision and hearing test through their physician and this must be provided to the Center that is has been completed.

  • Parents of any infant not yet on solid food will be required to fill out and sign feeding instruction request form. This form must be updated monthly until the child begins on solid food.

  • Photography Waiver


Upon enrollment, we will figure your hours based on your work schedule plus a fair commute time; this will become your “scheduled hours.” Any changes to your schedule will need to be discussed and re-scheduled based on availability. Scheduled hours may not exceed hours of operation or additional fee will be charged.


Please understand that each child is on a probationary period for the first 30 days. If the Center finds that your child is not a good fit at the Center, you will be given a two weeks’ notice unless there are immediate safety concerns and your child will need to be terminated immediately.

Enrollment Paperwork

Parent Handbook
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